Keola Adventure's

Sailing Charter & Cruises

I had always dreamed of sailing, but I never took the time to do anything to accomplish that dream. In May of 2022, I purchased a 2021 Lagoon 40 catamaran in Almerimar, Spain. I had some knowledge about sailing on a monohull but knew nothing about sailing a catamaran. I began my training three weeks after arriving in Spain I started my training with an experienced Yacht Master, Simon Abels.  

Spending ten days learning the operations of my catamaran and studying for the Day Skipper certification from the Royal e Royal Yachting Association. I passed the classroom studies but needed more hours on a monohull before I could achieve the Day Skipper certification. After two weeks training on a monohull, I received the certification. 

On Thanksgiving I set sail with a couple of friends for a 3-day passage to Gibraltar, then a six-day passage to the Canary Islands where we experienced a couple of mechanical problems with the autopilot. I hired a delivery yacht master to take over and captain the passage to the Caribbean.  

I was lucky to acquire the services of the UK 2022 yacht master of the year Andy Barker, with him was Paul Morgan a sailor of 20 years and Marcin Ratajczak from Poland with 15 years’ experience. Our first passage was to the Cape Verde islands a 6-day sail south of the Canary Islands. We arrived at midday and began resupplying the catamaran with food for the next passage across the Atlantic to the island of Antigua, a 14-day passage. The journey was filled with new experiences, from hundreds of dolphins at the bow of boat every day, to being chased by Fin whales for 6 days, not to mention literally sailing through the arch of a rainbow (no gold at the end of the rainbow), honestly the whole experience was amazing, beautiful and a dream come true. 

We arrived in Antigua after midnight, cleared customs the next morning and had our first beer in over two weeks. We spent 2 days in Antigua before the last passage to Tortola, in the British Virgin Islands, another 2-day passage. My delivery crew flew back to Europe, and I took over the catamaran to finish the journey home to Pensacola, FL. 

I felt confident that the months of training from three different yacht master’s would be enough to get me home safely. I spent two days supplying the boat with food and diesel before starting my first passage solo to the east coast of Puerto Rico. I dropped anchor twice in PR, leaving the west coast of PR for the Turks & Caicos Island I set sail for this 4 -day passage. I arrived in the Turks & Caicos islands midday, spent the rest of the day and night sleeping before preparing for the next passage to Key West. 

Arriving in Key West 4-days later, again I slept for a day before preparing for the next leg of my journey to Tampa Bay. I spent a day in Key West, clearing customs and enjoying a relaxing time in many of the local bars meeting some interesting people. Ready to begin the next passage to TB, I set sail but on the second day I had another mechanical issue with the catamaran. I spun off the starboard side prop, so I sailed to Sarasota instead. After 8 days waiting for the correct prop to be installed, I was ready for the final passage to Pensacola. Arriving on February 10th, I was 6 miles from Pensacola pass when I finally had phone service and spoke with my wife Anne and informed her, I would be home around noon. I finished this amazing adventure by docking my catamaran with my family cheering me home.  

I want to thank my amazing wife Anne, without her support and love I could have never achieved this amazing adventure! I LOVE YOU ANNE! 

Let us help make your dreams come true!! 

— Maury